G. Kishan Reddy has been appointed as the new President of the Telangana unit of the BJP. However, political analysts believe that this appointment may not benefit the party in the upcoming elections. The decision to remove the incumbent Bandi Sanjay just a few months before the elections is seen as a response to pressure from two MLAs and other leaders who were considering switching to the Congress party. Bandi Sanjay is seen as a leader who has greatly contributed to the party’s growth in the state over the past three years.
Bandi Sanjay, a Member of Parliament from Karimnagar, was appointed as the Telangana BJP President in March 2020. He played a crucial role in strengthening the party and led them to victory in two Assembly by-elections, replacing the Congress as the main opposition party. Political analyst Palwai Raghavendra Reddy acknowledges Sanjay’s contribution and states that he has created significant momentum for the party in the state.
On the other hand, G. Kishan Reddy, who has previously served as the BJP President of united Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, may not be able to replicate the same level of momentum as Sanjay. The BJP only won one seat in the 2018 Assembly elections, with Kishan Reddy himself facing defeat. However, the party gained momentum in 2019 by winning four Lok Sabha seats. Sanjay’s aggressive leadership style and strong Hindutva support have played a crucial role in building the BJP in Telangana.
The BJP has been positioning itself as the main challenger to the ruling BRS party, led by Chief Minister KCR. With key leaders like Eatala Rajender joining the BJP and achieving victory in the Huzurabad by-election, the party has been working towards capturing power in Telangana. However, Bandi Sanjay’s removal may have a negative impact on the morale of his supporters within the party.
In conclusion, the appointment of G. Kishan Reddy as the new President of the Telangana BJP may not yield political dividends for the party in the upcoming elections. Bandi Sanjay’s removal, who is seen as a leader who gave momentum to the party in the state, could potentially have a negative impact on his supporters.