Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has instructed officials to take immediate action to collect water in reservoirs from the Krishna and Godavari rivers to prevent drought conditions in the state. Due to a lack of rainfall, the state is experiencing a dry spell. CM KCR held a meeting with officials on Sunday to discuss rainfall, water availability in rivers like Pranahita, water storage in reservoirs, and electricity demand. He emphasized the importance of preventing water shortages for drinking and irrigation purposes.
During the meeting, senior officials provided details on water availability for different projects. The Chief Minister advised officials to prioritize the supply of drinking water and closely monitor water reserves in the Godavari and Krishna reservoirs. The Irrigation and Energy Departments were instructed to work together and conserve water for future use. CM KCR suggested that water from Pranahita be lifted through various projects to fill the Mid Manair, lower Manair Dam, and SRSP, ensuring irrigation for Kaleshwaram and SRSP areas.
CM KCR also directed the agriculture department to prepare a contingency plan to provide seeds and fertilizers to farmers who have already planted crops but need to sow again due to the dry spell. The officials were told to provide a daily report to the Chief Minister’s Office regarding the distribution of drinking and irrigation water. Based on these reports, the CM’s office will issue orders and alerts to ministers and public representatives in respective areas.
The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of coordination among all departments to resolve any issues that may arise. He acknowledged that it is a challenging time for the irrigation, agriculture, and energy sectors, but expressed confidence in the availability of abundant water to address the crisis. CM KCR encouraged everyone to demonstrate their potential during difficult situations and emphasized that Telangana has built projects to tackle water scarcity.
Overall, the Chief Minister’s priority is to ensure an adequate supply of drinking and irrigation water by utilizing water from the Pranahita and Godavari rivers.