A woman in Hyderabad flushed a stolen diamond ring worth Rs 50 lakh down the toilet in order to avoid getting caught. The incident occurred at a dental and skin clinic in the posh area of Jubilee Hills. It all started when a woman went to the clinic for a check-up on June 27. She took off her diamond ring and left it on a side table, but forgot to take it with her when she left. When she realized her mistake, she rushed back to the clinic but couldn’t find the ring. The clinic staff was questioned, and one of the women confessed that she had put the ring in her purse and flushed it down the toilet. The police, with the help of a plumber, were able to recover the ring from the commode’s pipeline. The suspect has been detained and is being questioned by the police. It is believed that she took the ring from the table but panicked when the investigation started, leading her to dispose of it in the toilet.
Hyderabad Woman Fearful of Capture Discards Rs 50L Diamond Ring by Flushing it Down Toilet
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