BJP president JP Nadda criticized Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel for being corrupt and urged people to vote for the BJP in the upcoming Assembly polls to end graft in the state. Nadda listed the achievements of the Modi government, stating that it has empowered various sections of society during its nine years of rule. Speaking at a public rally in Bilaspur, Nadda accused the Baghel government of being involved in corruption and claimed that corrupt individuals are connected to the Chief Minister. He emphasized the need to remove the “corrupt” Congress government, which came to power in 2018 after 15 years of BJP rule. Nadda mentioned that the Baghel government has taken credit for works and schemes initiated by the previous BJP administration led by Raman Singh. He also referred to a bureaucrat who has been in jail for five months in connection with an alleged coal levy scam. Nadda called on the people to reject corruption and remove the Congress government from office.
Nadda accuses Baghel of being the ‘king of corruption’, urges voters to remove Congress from power in Assembly elections
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