Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a Delhi metro ride to attend the centenary celebrations of Delhi University on Friday. He shared photos of his journey on Twitter and expressed his delight at riding with young individuals. The Bharatiya Janata Party also posted a video showing PM Modi using smart cards to access the metro premises amidst tight security.
PM Modi boarded a yellow line metro train bound for Samaypur Badli station. He had to pass through Vishwavidyalaya metro station, which is an intermediary station on the way to the DU campus area.
The video showed PM Modi entering an empty metro compartment at first, but he later interacted with fellow passengers and shared pictures on social media. He congratulated the University of Delhi on its centenary celebrations and emphasized its status as a premier institution of learning.
During his visit, PM Modi will start the construction of the Delhi University Computer Centre and the Faculty of Technology building. He will also lay the foundation stone for an academic block in the North Campus.
The University of Delhi, founded in 1922, has grown significantly over the past century. It now has 86 departments, 90 colleges, and has welcomed over 600,000 students.