The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) in Hyderabad has issued a warning against the removal of religious symbols during the Group-4 exam. They are urging the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) to respect Hindu sentiments and not discriminate against them. VHP leaders Pandarinath and P Balaswamy have highlighted cases where candidates were asked to remove earrings, bangles, nose piercings, and mangalsutras. They have cautioned TSPSC against discrimination and threatened to protest if necessary. The leaders also mentioned how Home Minister Mohammad Ali responded to a similar situation involving Muslim girls wearing hijabs in an exam hall. They have advised candidates to report any discrimination to the VHP office and promised legal action against those responsible. VHP leader Jagadishwar and Bajrang Dal leader Shiva Ramulu were also present at the meeting.
VHP cautions TSPSC against offending Hindu sentiments
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