Hyderabad: Chief singer and Chairman of the State Giddu Gangul Corporation, Sai Chand, passed away, which has left Chief Minister KCR in deep shock. He expressed his sorrow at the death of Sai Chand. He mentioned that Sai Chand’s death at a young age has deeply saddened him. He said that Telangana has lost a great singer and artist. He referred to Sai Chand as a prodigy who showcased his extraordinary talent at a young age. In the midst of progress and success, the sudden demise is indeed a great loss.
Sai Chand played a vital role in cultural initiatives in the state. He contributed significantly to the cultural movement in Telangana. The Chief Minister remembered the songs sung and the cultural projects undertaken by Sai Chand during the Telangana statehood movement. He expressed his condolences to Sai Chand’s grieving family and prayed to God to give them strength to overcome this intense sadness, said CM KCR.