Hyderabad, June 28 (Namaste Telangana): The Revenue Department released a primary notification on Wednesday, announcing the formation of two new districts in the state. The Revenue Division of Ibrahimpatnam in Rangareddy district has established a new Mandal called Irvin. It consists of nine villages: Irvin, Brahmanapalli, Arkapalli, Andugula, Anneboyinapalli, Suddapalli, Gorikothapalli, Kalakonda, and Ramanapalli.
In addition to this, the Revenue Division of Bhupalpalli in Jayashankar Bhupalpalli district has created a new Mandal called Kothapalli Gori. The division has issued primary orders for this. It includes seven villages: Kothapalli Gori, Chennapoor, Chinnakodepaka, Jaggayyapet, Sultampoor, Janshedbegpet, and Konaravupeta. Any internal issues regarding the formation of these Mandals should be brought to notice.
(Note: The translation has been done to the best of AI’s ability. Some details may be lost or misinterpreted.)