Health Minister T Harish Rao accused Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan of speaking like a spokesperson for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). This criticism came after the governor’s comments about Osmania Hospital. Rao expressed disappointment that the governor did not offer any words of encouragement and instead focused on the hospital’s problems. He emphasized that Telangana had successfully established 25 medical colleges without assistance from the central government, a significant achievement. Rao also noted the governor’s failure to acknowledge the commendable work being done by doctors at Osmania and Gandhi hospitals in the field of organ transplants. Additionally, he mentioned that NITI Ayog had praised the Basti Dawakhanas, which had reduced the number of outpatients in hospitals such as Osmania, Gandhi, and Niloufer. Rao criticized the governor for only highlighting mistakes rather than acknowledging positive developments. Despite the central government’s recognition of Telangana’s 100% institutional deliveries, the governor did not offer any words of encouragement. The health minister also urged officials to be prepared for an increase in diseases during the monsoon season. In response to a question about the new building for Osmania Hospital, Rao clarified that the government had not rejected the idea and was awaiting a favorable judgement from the High Court.
Harish Rao accuses Governor of echoing BJP’s stance
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