Hyderabad City Bureau, June 27 (Namaste Telangana): The Special Chief Secretary of the Municipal Administration Department, Arvind Kumar, has announced that the speed limit for vehicles on the Outer Ring Road will be reduced. Currently, the maximum speed limit on the 158-kilometer stretch of the Outer Ring Road with 19 interchanges is 100 kilometers per hour, but it has been decided to reduce it to 120 kilometers per hour. This decision was taken during a review meeting held on Tuesday with State Municipal Administration Minister KTR.
After examining all the arrangements thoroughly, it was decided to reduce the speed limit for vehicles. It was also mentioned that streetlights will be installed on the road to ensure safety during night time. Drivers were advised to strictly follow the traffic rules and regulations to avoid accidents. Continuous monitoring of petrol bunks without any interruptions was also emphasized.
The decision to reduce the speed limit on the Outer Ring Road is expected to contribute to safer and more controlled traffic flow. The installation of streetlights will provide better visibility to drivers during nighttime travel. The authorities will closely monitor the implementation of these measures to ensure compliance with traffic rules and regulations.