Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao participated in the Maharashtra tour on Monday evening and arrived in Solapur. It is known that two separate buses with heavy security left Hyderabad on the road for a two-day tour. Afternoon they had lunch in Omargal, Dharashiv district. After that, they went to Solapur in the evening. CM KCR was given a grand welcome by the BJP leaders upon his arrival.
On Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock, they will leave for Pandaripuram. There, they will visit Vitthaleshwara Swami along with Rukmini. After that, they will attend a program organized in Sarkoli village of Solapur district. District leader Bhagirath Balke and other party leaders will join CM KCR in the presence of CM in the BJP party. After that, they will visit Tulja Bhavani temple, a powerful shrine in Dharashiv district, and perform special prayers. After that, they will return to Hyderabad. In the route of CM’s tour, Maharashtra BJP leaders have made elaborate arrangements.
CM’s cabinet ministers, MLCs, senior BJP leaders are present.