The Telangana government, under the leadership of Chief Minister KCR, has implemented the Rythu Bandhu scheme to provide financial assistance to farmers. As part of this initiative, farmers who have been struggling for the past six years are being given a support of Rs. 10,000 per acre in the form of investment. So far, funds have been deposited into the accounts of 10 lakh farmers. Starting from Monday (June 26), a portion of the total funds will be transferred from the accounts of farmers to the Rythu Bandhu scheme, as announced by Agriculture Minister Nirajan Reddy.
In relation to the monsoon season, it has been announced that the Rythu Bandhu scheme will be extended to 70 lakh farmers. This time, it has been stated that the Rythu Bandhu scheme will be implemented for 1.5 lakh podu farmers. It has been revealed that a total of Rs. 7720.29 crore has been deposited into the accounts of farmers and the Rythu Bandhu scheme has been implemented for 1.54 crore acres.