Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao said that Chief Minister KCR has done justice to all communities. The Telangana Medari Sangham, a state-level program organized by the Telangana Medari Association, was held in Siddipet district center. Ministers Harish Rao, Satyavathi Rathod, and MP Kotha Prabhakar Reddy attended the program along with Minister Dayakar Rao. On this occasion, the Medari community extended their wishes to the members of the state working class. Afterwards, he spoke about the development of the community, and emphasized the need to work towards the progress of backward families.
The minister stated that before the formation of Telangana, no one cared about the communities or their livelihoods, and now everyone should analyze the situation. He also mentioned that Chief Minister KCR has done justice to all communities and allocated spaces for community pride buildings across the state. He assured that funds would be allocated for the development of the communities and progress would be made.
He questioned whether anyone had ever taken responsibility for resolving the problems of weavers. If there are any issues, Minister Harish Rao or himself should be informed to find a solution. They stated that it is their responsibility to resolve the issues and fulfill the vision of Chief Minister KCR. They emphasized that the progress and welfare programs initiated by the Chief Minister benefit everyone and asked if such programs are being implemented anywhere else in the country. They urged everyone to think about it.
Once again, they requested for support and blessings to defeat Chief Minister KCR in the upcoming elections.