CM KCR inaugurated the Mitha Group Rail Coach Factory in Kondal, Rangareddy district, on Thursday. The largest rail coach factory in the country, worth Rs. 1000 crore, was built by the Mitha Group. The factory provides employment opportunities to 2200 individuals directly and indirectly. It serves as a center for the manufacturing and repairs of rail coaches. After the inauguration of the factory, Chief Minister KCR inspected the missions at the SEZ (Special Economic Zone) of the factory. The factory authorities briefed the CM about their work. The program was attended by CS Santosh Kumar, Ministers KTR, Harish Rao, Sabitha Indra Reddy, MP Ranjith Reddy, and Mitha Endi Kashyap Reddy.
CM KCR inaugurated the Mitha Group Rail Coach Factory in Kondal, Rangareddy district, on Thursday. The factory, worth Rs. 1000 crore, is the largest rail coach factory in the country. It provides employment opportunities to 2200 individuals directly and indirectly. The factory serves as a center for the manufacturing and repairs of rail coaches. After the inauguration, CM KCR inspected the missions at the SEZ of the factory and was briefed by the authorities about their work. The program was attended by CS Santosh Kumar, Ministers KTR, Harish Rao, Sabitha Indra Reddy, MP Ranjith Reddy, and Mitha Endi Kashyap Reddy.