The Sri Akkanna Madanna Mahankali Mandiram in Hyderabad is celebrating the 75th Annual Bonalu Vajrotsavalu and Mahankali Jatara festival from July 7 to 18. The Temple Committee has organized special pujas, Chandi homam, and regular anna-prasadam for the last 55 days to mark the occasion. The Aashada Maasa Samuhika Kum-Kum Archana by women devotees will start on June 23 and be held every Friday.
The festival begins on July 7 with Maaha Abhishekam to Sri Mahankali Mata and kalasa sthapana puja followed by Dwajarohana at 11 am. Akshita Archana Puja will be performed on the evening of July 8. Ghatam will be brought in a procession from Sri Kashi Vishwanath TempleShalibanda via Laldarwaza cross roads, Nagulachintha, Laldarwaza, Balagunj, Gowlipura, and Bela and installed in the temple premises. Rudra Trishati Homam and Bilwarchana will be performed on July 10.
The festival will continue till July 18, and the Temple Committee will continue to organize special pujas and anna-prasadam until July 19. The festival is an opportunity for women devotees to pray to the Mahankali Matha for the welfare of their families and society.