The Minister for Animal Husbandry, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, has announced that the BRS government is making efforts to ensure that Hyderabad will have access to drinking water for the next 50 years. Speaking at the “Drinking Water Day” event in West Marredpally, he stated that the government has spent Rs13,546 crores on laying new water pipelines and constructing reservoirs to prevent future water shortages.
To avoid drinking water scarcity in Hyderabad, the government plans to draw water from the Godavari and Krishna rivers. Additionally, the Sunkishala project has been initiated to extract water from the Nagarjuna Sagar Project continuously.
The number of drinking water connections in Hyderabad has increased from 8.15 lakhs to 13.17 lakhs since 2014. The State government is providing 20,000 liters of free drinking water per household monthly, costing Rs.815 crores.
Overall, the State government is taking permanent measures to prevent drinking water problems in Hyderabad.