Minister Srinivas Goud unexpectedly inspected the check post being conducted at the Telangana-Karnataka border in Narayanpet district. The Minister expressed concern over the negligence in properly conducting the check posts and the improper handling of duties related to checking illegal activities. Subsequently, he spoke to the Commissioner of State Excise Department, Sarp Raj Ahmad, over the phone. They discussed the need to enforce stricter regulations at the check posts. The officials of the Excise and Revenue departments coordinated and ordered the officials to take action against any unauthorized transportation of liquor from Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra to Telangana.
In another incident, Minister Goud unexpectedly inspected a check post near Krishna Bridge in Mahbubnagar, which is coming from Raichur. He also expressed concern about the negligence in properly conducting the check post there. He instructed officials to take action against officers who fail to perform their duties. The Excise Commissioner was questioned about how it is possible to detect and prevent the illegal entry of alcohol when there is a lack of vigilance. They ordered the enforcement of stricter regulations to control the illegal transportation of alcohol from other states to Telangana. The officials urged the people to be cautious about consuming alcohol that is illegally entering the state as it can be harmful to their health.
The officials also mentioned that the words of politicians should not be believed blindly when they claim that the alcohol coming from other states is safe. Afterward, Minister Goud personally inspected several vehicles coming from Raichur and verified their documents. He ordered that action be taken against suspected vehicles and that proper verification be done without any mistakes. He warned that if such incidents were repeated, strict actions would be taken. Minister Goud was accompanied by MLA Ram Mohan Reddy and Rajeshwar Goud, Chairman of Mahbubnagar District Library Association.