The Karnataka government wants to give free rice to the poor through the Anna Bhagya scheme. But they need more rice, so they’re talking to other states like Telangana and Chhattisgarh to get it. The Karnataka Chief Minister has asked Telangana for 2 lakh metric tons of rice and Chhattisgarh has promised to send 50,000 metric tons. Officials from Karnataka are talking to officials in Telangana and Chhattisgarh to make this happen. The Karnataka government has also asked the central government for rice, but they haven’t gotten a response yet.
The Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka has written to all Members of Parliament (MPs) from Karnataka and other parts of the country to pressure the central government to release rice to Karnataka. One MP from Ramnagar is angry that the central government hasn’t provided rice yet and wants them to do something about it. The Karnataka government thinks the central government has enough rice, but they’re not sharing it. They want to make sure the poor people in Karnataka get the rice they need.