A man named Raj Kumar Yadav was caught with army supply liquor bottles at JR Sports in Gandhinagar, East Marredpally. The police found 11 bottles of 100-Pipers of Punjab and Delhi manufacture and 3 bottles of Royal Challenge Telangana manufacture. Raj Kumar Yadav is an employee at JR Sports and lives in Safilguda Railway Station, Secunderabad.
Raj Kumar Yadav came to Hyderabad in 2018 on the invitation of his brother Ashok Kumar Yadav, who runs JR Sports with one Ravinder. While working at the sports shop, Raj Kumar got to know some military personnel. All beverage companies supply all brands of liquor without taxes to Military Canteen for supply to Army duty and Retired Officers and Men. Such liquor bottles are not sold to civilians.
Raj Kumar lured military personnel into giving him their military quota liquor bottles by offering to pay a higher price for them. He planned to sell military supply liquor bottles to civilians at a lower price than the market price to make easy money. He has been doing this for eight months now, purchasing military liquor bottles between the 7th and 25th of every month and selling them to customers in need. P Radhakishan Rao, Deputy Commissioner of Police (OSD), Commissioner’s Task Force said, “He has been selling military liquor bottles for the last eight months and was gaining easy money.”