The President of India, Droupadi Murmu, is visiting Hyderabad on Friday and Saturday, so the city police have announced traffic restrictions. There will be moderate traffic congestion and travel delays in certain areas, including CTO junction, PNT Flyover and PNT Junction, HPS Out Gate, Begumpet Flyover, Greenlands Junction, Monappa junction, Yashoda Hospital Road, MMTS, VV Statue Junction, Punjagutta Junction and NFCL Junction. Buses that usually travel from Secunderabad towards Ameerpet and Mehdipatnam through Begumpet and Raj Bhavan are advised to avoid these routes and use Upper Tank Bund from 4pm to 8pm on Friday and from 6am to 8am on Saturday.
During the restrictions, traffic will not be allowed on Raj Bhavan Road from Monappa Junction or VV Statue (Khairtabad), and it will be closed for general traffic on both sides. Punjagutta – Raj Bhavan Quarters Road (Metro Residency) will also be closed for general traffic on both sides during these times. Commuters coming from CTO Junction and Minister Road will be stopped for a while at Rasoolpura Junction, while those coming from Punjagutta/Greenlands Junction towards Begumpet Airport will be stopped for a while at Prakashnagar T Junction. Motorists coming from Kukatpally, Balanagar via Fatehnagar bridge intending to proceed to Hyderabad Public School, Begumpet road will be diverted at Balkampet Yellamma temple towards Maitrivanam Junction via Satyam theatre.
The police advise commuters to take alternate routes to reach their destinations and avoid the restricted junctions/stretches during the specified times. If there is an emergency, call the traffic help line on 9010203626 for travel assistance.