Warangal East MLA Nannapuneni Narender spoke at the Women’s Welfare Day program in Warangal on Tuesday. He praised the women in his constituency for their progress in various fields. He credited women empowerment to the leadership of K Chandrasekhar Rao and thanked him and IT, MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao for their support.
MLA Narender shared some statistics about the women in his constituency. He said that 89,340 women are members of self-help groups and the constituency has 8,934 self-help groups. Additionally, 39,829 women are engaged in micro and small enterprises. He said that the government is providing education and healthcare facilities, as well as various welfare programs like Kalyana Laxmi/Shadi Mubarak, KCR Kits, KCR Nutrition Kits, Amma Odi, and pensions for single women. The East constituency has four gurukul schools for girls and two for minority girls. The government is spending Rs 1.20 lakh on each student.
MLA Narender also praised the girls who performed well in the State-level CM Cup. Greater Warangal Mayor Gundu Sudharani, deputy mayor Rizwana Shameem Masood, DWO Sarada, MEPMA PD Renuka, deputy SO Indira, CWC chairperson Vasudha, CDPO Vishwaja, and Corporator Kaveti Kavitha Raju Yadav were among others present.