The President of Telangana BJP, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, and BRS MLC, Kalvakuntla Kavitha, had a Twitter argument about respecting women. Bandi tweeted about the welfare of women under Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and questioned if it was really happening. He also mentioned police force being used against tribal women. Kavitha responded by saying that women have arrived and Bandi’s address will be lost. She criticized Bandi for criticizing Women’s Welfare Day and mentioned how a tribal woman president was not respected at the opening ceremony of the new Parliament building. Kavitha also alleged that BJP leaders only chanted “Beti Bachao… Beti Padhao” as a slogan and didn’t actually do anything to help women. She said that women are crying in the kitchen because of increased cylinder prices and that education and healthcare for women are being neglected. She also said that development of some is more important than the welfare of girls.
Twitter Banter Ensues Between Bandi Sanjay Kumar and Kalvakuntla Kavitha in Hyderabad
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