The Indian Air Force will hold a Combined Graduation Parade (CGP) on June 17 in Hyderabad. The parade will celebrate the graduation of Flight Cadets from various branches of the Air Force who have completed their Pre-Commissioning Training. President Droupadi Murmu will be the Chief Guest and Reviewing Officer of the CGP. During the parade, the cadets will reveal their ranks and receive their Wings and Brevets, depending on their commissioned branch. The ceremony will also include officers from the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard, and Friendly Foreign Countries who have trained with the Air Force. The Flight Cadet ranking first in the Order of Merit for the Flying Branch will lead the parade and receive the Sword of Honour and President’s Plaque. The Parade will end with an aerobatic display by various aircraft teams.
Combined Graduation Parade on June 17 to Be Attended by President as Chief Guest
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