Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao addressed government employees at the Integrated District Office Complex (IDOC) in Jogulamba Gadwal on Monday. He asked the employees to continue striving for progress and said that if they can do so for another five to ten years, no state in the country can beat Telangana. The Chief Minister also highlighted Telangana’s achievements, such as being number one in per capita income and per capita power consumption, providing drinking water, having ODF+, and more.
K Rao recalled the sorry state of affairs in Gadwal during the Telangana agitation and said that the state has come a long way since then. He also mentioned upcoming projects like the Gattu Lift and extension works in Alampur that will further improve the region’s development.
The Chief Minister emphasized that the government is taking steps from a human angle, such as addressing the problem of stunting. He said that Telangana is unique in its approach to improving income and resources for the public.
Earlier, K Rao unveiled the Telangana Talli statue and hoisted the party flag at the party office. He also visited the KCR study center and library being run by MLA and district president B Krishna Mohan Reddy.