On Monday, the Cyberabad Police caught eight drug peddlers in three different cases. They seized 910 kilograms of dry ganja worth over Rs 2.8 crore and a lorry. The accused were arrested under the limits of Jeedimetla, Shamshabad, and Chandanagar Police station limits of Cyberabad Police Commissionerate. The accused were transporting the drug from Odisha to Maharashtra via Telangana.
The accused belong to Maharashtra, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, and Karnataka. Some other absconding accused include suppliers and receivers. Two persons transporting the ganja in a lorry were caught under Jeedimetla police station limits. Police seized 758 kg of ganja from them.
In another case, five persons were caught by Shamshabad police when they were transporting 144 kg ganja in bags covered with bangles by private transportation. In another case, one inter-state drug peddler was apprehended by Chandanagar police while he was trying to sell the banned item with the seizure of eight kg dry ganja.
The accused were selling the contraband item for around Rs 30,000 per kg to customers after purchasing the ganja at Rs 5,500 per kg, police said. Separate cases were registered under the provisions of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. Further probe was on.