Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy responded to criticism from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders JP Nadda and Amit Shah, saying he does not trust the party. Jagan made the comment at a public meeting in Palnadu district, where he also mentioned certain media organizations, actor-politician Pawan Kalyan, and the main opposition Telugu Desam Party (TDP). He asked the public to become his soldiers and bring victory to the YSRCP in the next elections if they believe they are benefitted by his government’s welfare schemes. Jagan claimed that the next Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections will be a war between the government which is implementing DBT welfare schemes and TDP “which pursued the plunder, stash and devour policy.”
Amit Shah alleged that the Jagan government has done nothing except corruption in the last four years. Earlier, Nadda said at a public meeting that he had never seen such a corrupt government. Jagan asked the public not to be misled by the “vicious and malicious campaign of TDP and its friendly media”. He asserted that TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu didn’t implement welfare schemes during the TDP rule as he doesn’t have a “generous heart”.
The YSRCP chief described the upcoming election as a war between a pro-people government and pro-capitalist TDP enjoying the support of foster son [Pawan Kalyan] and friendly media.