The Chief Minister of Telangana, K. Chandrashekar Rao, is proud of the state’s historical heritage. He praised the efforts of Telangana historians for preserving and documenting landmarks that date back almost 20 crore years. As part of the decennial formation day celebrations and Telangana Sahitya Day, the Chief Minister unveiled a five-volume book on Telangana history published by Bharath Jagruti. The book aims to educate future generations about the state’s history.
The Telangana Jagruthi History wing, led by historian and writer SriramojuHaragopal, contributed to the book’s compilation. They explored numerous historical sites in Telangana and meticulously studied various historical evidence, including fossils, buildings, inscriptions, coins, and texts, to ensure an accurate portrayal of Telangana’s history.
Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao expressed pride in the fact that traces of history spanning over 20 crore years could be found in Telangana. He emphasized the importance of understanding the social conditions, administrative methods, and vision of the bygone eras, as they provide valuable insights for shaping the future.
During the event, Chief Minister KCR extended his congratulations to the staff of the Jagruti History Department and MLC Kavitha, the president of Jagruti organization. Notable personalities such as historian and writer SriramojuHaragopal, poet editor VemugantiMuralikrishna, Telangana Foods Chairman M Rajeev Sagar, Bharat Jagruti General Secretary R Naveen Achari, and others also participated in the programme.