Former MP and AICC Member Ponnam Prabhakar wrote a letter to Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. He said that the RTC workers have been suffering for nine years under the ruling BRS party. In December 2019, there was an RTC workers’ agitation across the state to fulfill their demands. Political parties, including the Congress party, supported them. A meeting was held with the RTC workers’ representatives at Pragathi Bhavan in Hyderabad, and special arrangements were made to pacify them.
Ponnam Prabhakar mentioned promises made to the RTC workers, such as fee reimbursement, housing, free treatment to parents, bonus of Rs 1 lakh, and 10,000 jobs. These promises have not been fulfilled yet. As the main opposition party, the Congress party demands that KCR fulfill all the promises made to the workers. Ponnam Prabhakar reminded the CM that he is responsible for protecting the RTC, which is the largest public sector transportation company in Asia.