Schools in Andhra Pradesh will only have half-day classes from June 12 to June 17 due to the heat wave conditions in the state. The Commissioner of School Education issued orders to all government, private, and government-aided schools to only operate from 7.30 am to 11.30 am during this period. The decision was made after the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights requested a postponement of school reopening due to the weather. The move is also based on weather predictions from the AP State Disaster Management Authority and the India Meteorological Department.
The order also stated that serving ragi java from 8.30 am to 9 am and mid-day meals from 11.30 am to 12 pm in government schools will be implemented. From June 19 onwards, schools will return to full-day working hours. The decision was made to ensure the well-being of children in schools since temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius are likely to occur for the next four to five days.
The Commissioner’s order will apply to all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state. It recalled that schools were earlier informed of their reopening date after summer vacation, which is on June 12. However, due to the predicted high temperatures and the Health and Family Welfare Department’s suggestions, it was decided that half-day classes would be best for the first week after reopening.