The Telangana government is prioritizing the welfare of SCs, STs, backward classes, and minorities. The Minister for Tribal Welfare, Satyavathi Rathod, recently launched developmental works worth over Rs 5 crore in the Narsampet constituency. The government is promoting caste-based occupations such as sheep and goat farming, fishing, and barbering to boost the economic development of distressed sections. The government is also supporting artisans of backward communities.
The KCR Government has implemented several welfare programs, including Aasara pensions, Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, and Kalyanalaxmi/Shadi Mubarak schemes. These programs have instilled a sense of confidence among families living below the poverty line. The government spends Rs 50,000 crore per annum on welfare programs, which is more than any other state in the country. The government fulfilled the long-cherished dream of tribals by turning thandas into gram panchayats and providing reservations to rule them. The quota for tribals increased from 6 percent to 10 percent, which improved livelihood opportunities for them.
The government established 93 gurukul schools to improve education in the state. Telangana has been witnessing all-round development for the last nine years under the leadership of KCR. Warangal district collector P Pravinya and ZP Floor Leader Peddi Swapna were present at the event.