On Friday, the Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Errabelli Dayakar Rao distributed sheep to a beneficiary in the Palakurthy constituency. The Minister spoke at celebrations for Telangana Formation Day in Raiparthy, Thorrur, and Palakurthi. He stated that Telangana has made great progress in just nine years, especially in terms of welfare and development. The government has implemented several programs that have become a model for other states. For example, the government provides Aasara pensions to 44.12 lakh people, which is a large number compared to the state’s population of 3.5 crore. The government also provides uninterrupted power supply to farmers free of cost. In addition, the KCR Nutrition Kit scheme helps pregnant women by reducing anemia and improving their hemoglobin levels. The government also promotes caste-based occupations such as distributing sheep and goats to Golla Kurumas. The Mission Bhagiratha, which is KCR’s idea, not only ended water woes but also prevented water-borne diseases. Errabelli said that KCR has made Telangana a symbol of ‘Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb’ culture.
During the celebrations, the minister distributed sheep units and gave financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh each to caste-based artisans. He also provided double bedroom houses to 45 journalists at Thorrur.