Minister G Kamalakar attended a welfare day celebration in Karimnagar on Friday. He distributed Kalyana Lakshmi/ Shaadi Mubarak cheques to 104 beneficiaries and gave out 126 sheep as part of a distribution program. He also distributed Rs 1 lakh financial assistance to caste workers. The government is providing assistance of 1 lakh rupees to each family to support caste professions. Minister Kamalakar stated that CM KCR’s intention is that people of all sections should live with self-respect in the State.
Kamalakar shared that KCR is supporting the elderly as an elder son, as an elder brother to a single woman, and as an uncle for the marriage of a girl child. He believes that KCR is doing more for the poor than the BJP and Congress, who criticized the KCR government. Kamalakar also mentioned that the Telangana government has allocated Rs 200 crores for the development of Karimnagar, and the city is developing wonderfully.
In 2014, Asara pensions were given to 1845 people, but since the advent of Telangana, 38,026 people in Karimnagar district are being given pensions worth Rs 82 crores every month. Overseas scholarships of Rs 20 lakh are provided to students studying abroad. Minister Kamalakar wishes all beneficiaries to take advantage of the financial assistance program.
The event was attended by City Mayor Yadagiri Sunil Rao, MPPs Pilli Srilatha, Tipparthi Lakshmaiah Kothapally Municipal Chairman Rudra Raju, Library Chairman Ponnam Anil Goud, Market Committee Chairman Veddaveni Madhu, BRS City President Challa Harishankar, RDO Anand Kumar, BC Welfare Officer Raja Manohar and others.