The senior vice-president of Telangana PCC, G. Niranjan, criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s comments on Thursday. Niranjan said that KCR misled the people and that his “authoritarian” rule was causing suffering. Niranjan condemned KCR’s negative comments about Congress at Mulugu and Warangal districts on Wednesday. He also questioned KCR’s lack of concern for farmers affected by the Dharani portal. Before the GHMC elections, the government distributed Rs 10,000 cash to families affected by the rains but stopped after the elections. Minister KTR promised to help the remaining families after the elections but never followed through. Niranjan also called for KTR to disclose details of investments and jobs he claims to have brought in. Finally, Niranjan criticized the misuse of public money for the decade celebrations.
Resentment expressed by Niranjan over CM KCR’s comments on Congress in Hyderabad
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