The Nizamabad Urban MLA Ganesh and MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha attended the Irrigation Day at New Ambedkar Bhavan. Ganesh announced that Telangana no longer has to worry about drought, as the restoration of tanks, construction of Kaleshwaram multi-purpose irrigation project, irrigation, and stabilisation of drinking water have been completed. Ganesh praised the Mission Kakatiya and Kaleswaram project for increasing groundwater availability, fisheries, tourism sector, and environment in Nizamabad district. He explained that Godavari water from Kaleswaram project is being moved to Mallannasagar for stabilisation of Nizamabad water resources and from there it is being filled to Singuru project and Nizamsagar through Haldi vagu. The MLA said that Ali Sagar pump house water is being added to Shriram Sagar backwater.
Ganesh also mentioned the development of three ponds in Nizamabad city with 7 crore 34 lakh rupees. He informed the public that the government is constructing a mini tank bund at Raghunatha pond to create a pleasant environment for the city’s residents. With MLC Kavitha’s cooperation, they constructed freshwater tanks worth 97 crore rupees and a fresh water pipeline costing 20 crore rupees. Ganesh added that they have taken up development works in Nizamabad city with 1000 crore rupees. The MLA stated that they have set up a pedar for the people of Nizamabad without any problem of drinking water in the coming days.
Ganesh extended his greetings to all irrigation workers on the occasion of Telangana State’s birth day. City Mayor Dandu Neetu Kiran, NUDA Chairman Prabhakar Reddy, TSWDC Akula Lalita, Women Commission Member Sudham Lakshmi, Irrigation Officers, BRS Corporators, and Leaders were present at the programme.