Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik spoke at an event where 1,205 medical officers joined the State government. He claimed that the people of Odisha saved over 1,000 lives in the Balasore train crash because they acted quickly. The Chief Minister said that efforts by locals showed the compassion and humanity of the people of Odisha.
Many people, including doctors, medical students, and the general public, worked together to save as many lives as possible. They provided support for rescue operations and donated blood. The Chief Minister is proud of his people and proud of Odisha.
The Chief Minister also expressed his condolences for those who lost their lives in the Balasore train crash. He said that everyone knows about the tragedy and it brought immense grief and sorrow. However, he also said that the accident proved the strength of Odisha and its ability to respond to a crisis.
As soon as news of the accident reached the State administration, they came into action mode. Ministers, top officers, and supporting staff were all at the site of the accident and health centres. They made arrangements and monitored the rescue operation and treatment of the injured.