Union Minister of Tourism and Culture, G Kishan Reddy, has visited the town of Vadnagar in Gujarat. He was there for the screening of a documentary called “Ananth Anaadih Vadnagar,” which showcases the town’s rich history. In 2022, Vadnagar was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative list. The town has been continuously inhabited for 2,700 years and is comparable to other historic cities in India like Mathura, Ujjain, Patna, and Varanasi.
During his visit, the Union Minister also stopped by the Vadnagar railway station. He had tea with railway officials and tourism department officials. The station was opened around the 1880s and has been modernized to provide state-of-the-art facilities for local commuters.
It’s worth noting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi spent his childhood in Vadnagar. He used to help his father sell tea to commuters at the railway station.