The Minister for Animal Husbandry, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, met with officials at Balkampet Yellamma Temple Premises on Wednesday to discuss the upcoming Kalyanotsavam event on June 20. This event has been organized every year since Telangana State was formed in 2014. Devotees from different parts of the city and nearby districts attend the function in large numbers. Last year, around 8 lakh devotees participated, and this year the number is expected to be higher.
The Minister told the officials that money was not a constraint and that all arrangements should be made for the smooth conduct of the Kalyanotsavam on June 20 and the Rath Yatra on June 21. He emphasized the importance of organizing cultural programs that reflect the culture of Telangana. The Minister also directed the civic authorities to erect barricades and asked the police department to ensure necessary police security.
The Minister wants to ensure that no inconvenience should be caused to those who come to the temple to witness the event. Therefore, the Minister wants all arrangements to be held smoothly.