Farmers in Kurukshetra were protesting on Tuesday because the Haryana government decided not to buy sunflower seeds at the minimum support price (MSP). They blocked the Delhi-Amritsar National Highway, so the police used lathi-charge and water cannons to disperse them. The farmers claimed that the government was not buying sunflower seeds at the MSP, which is causing them to sell their goods to private customers for only Rs 4,000 per quintal instead of the MSP of Rs 6,400. They asked the government to purchase sunflower seeds at the MSP of Rs 6,400 per quintal.
In response, the police lathi-charged the mob to clear the road. This action led to farmers in other cities like Sonipat, Gohana, and Rohtak blocking roads and highways in protest. However, at Sardhana village in Sonipat, farmers obstructed the Ganaur Pugthala Road. The Ganaur Police arrived quickly and convinced the farmers to release the blockade.
Additionally, protesting farmers insulted the Haryana government for its actions. In Gohana, farmers blocked the Rohtak-Panipat National Highway to protest against the lathicharge of farmers in Kurukshetra.