The Minister of Municipal Administration, KT Rama Rao, said that industrialists in the United States were impressed by Telangana’s TS-iPASS policy. This policy is for approving and certifying industrial projects. He spoke at the opening of the Telangana Toy Park and said that Telangana wanted to be the best in the world, not just in India.
Rama Rao and Minister G Jagadish Reddy opened several offices and industrial units, including MSMEs and the Telangana Industrialists Federation’s office. He also talked about Telangana’s progress in areas like agriculture, power, welfare education, and industries. He praised Telangana’s balanced and people-centered growth.
During his trip to the USA, Rama Rao received positive feedback for the TS-iPASS policy. An American industrialist even said that no other state in the USA had such a policy. He mentioned that despite Telangana having only 3% of the country’s population, it had received 30 national awards for welfare and development.
Rama Rao also praised Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for focusing on drinking water and irrigation. He highlighted Hyderabad’s remarkable growth and praised Telangana’s uninterrupted power supply.
The minister emphasized CM’s forward-thinking approach and dedication to future generations, not just the next election.