Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar spoke at the Industrial Day celebrations in Khammam on Tuesday. He said that the Telangana government has made it possible for new industries to operate 24 hours a day by providing them with all necessary facilities. The state is setting records every day in terms of investments, creating jobs, and establishing new industries under the leadership of IT and Industrial Minister K T Rama Rao.
Since Telangana was formed, over 23,000 new industries have been set up in the state, providing employment opportunities for more than 17 lakh people. Minister Rama Rao met with industry CEOs during his visit to the UK and US and has helped create an additional 40,000 new jobs. Puvvada spoke at the Khammam IT Hub as part of the Telangana Formation’s decennial celebrations.
He also mentioned that industries were previously closed in Telangana due to a lack of water and electricity, but now even common people can easily establish their own. Puvvada credited Telangana’s industrial progress to transparent policies, sustainable progress, effective policy implementation, and good governance. He praised Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao for his efforts and said that Telangana has secured a special place in the country’s industrial progress.
TS-iPASS has been helping industrialists obtain permits within 15 days without having to go around different offices. A multinational electronics manufacturing company, Foxconn Technology Group, is going to establish a manufacturing plant in Telangana, creating one lakh jobs and making Telangana State an electronics manufacturing hub.
Puvvada also explained the industrial growth achieved in both united AP and Telangana. MLC Tata Madhusudhan, Seed Development Corporation Chairman K Koteswara Rao, Mayor P Neeraja, ZP Chairman L Kamal Raj, SUDA Chairman B Vijay Kumar, MLA Ramulu Naik, District Collector VP Gautham, Municipal Commissioner Adarsh Surabhi, and others were present at the celebrations.