Senior Congress leader V Hanumantha Rao spoke to the media in Nalgonda on Monday about the imprisonment of farmers who were protesting against the regional ring road project. He called the state “anti-farmer” and expressed his solidarity with the affected farmers. Hanumantha Rao criticised CM KCR for not fulfilling election promises and for allegedly filing fake cases resulting in farmers’ imprisonment. He demanded an explanation for the filing of non-bailable cases against farmers who were peacefully protesting without any weapons. During his visit, Hanumantha Rao also pointed out the similarity between the current situation and a past incident in Khammam where farmers were also imprisoned. He stressed that the Congress party will continue its struggle until farmers regain possession of their lands.
Nalgonda DCC president K Shankar Naik, party Nalgonda Town president Gummula Mohan Reddy, and other local leaders accompanied Hanumantha Rao during his visit to the imprisoned farmers.