Telangana BJP state president and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar criticized the 9-year rule of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi government in Telangana. He accused Chief Minister KCR of failing to keep the promises made and pushing the state into debt. Kumar shared his thoughts on Twitter, listing several failures of the government.
He alleged that KCR’s assets increased while the state’s debt increased. Kumar also claimed that KCR’s family had four jobs, while the state’s unemployed faced paper leaks. He criticized KCR for having a farmhouse while farmers couldn’t get loan waivers or crop insurance.
Kumar ridiculed KCR for having two party offices in Hyderabad while poor people couldn’t get 2BHK homes. He also accused KCR’s family of legalizing their lands through GO111, while ordinary people had their lands encroached using Dharani.
He blamed KCR for giving important positions to Telangana traitors, while ignoring the families of Telangana State martyrs. Kumar also criticized KCR for building a new secretariat for Vaastu, while Hyderabad’s Old City did not get a Metro.
He said that KCR’s daughter got liquor contracts while daughters in Telangana faced rapes and suicides. Kumar alleged that KCR built BRS party district offices, but Sarpanches did not receive bills on time.