The State BJP chief, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, was asked about reports that the BJP and TDP were in talks for an alliance. He dismissed these reports and said that there was nothing wrong with N Chandrababu Naidu meeting Amit Shah and JP Nadda. He reminded the district party leaders that other CMs from opposition-ruled States had also met with the Prime Minister and Amit Shah to discuss State issues. Bandi said that the BJP’s main agenda was to develop the country, and that they were not interested in forming an alliance with TDP.
Bandi also alleged that the BRS, Congress, AIMIM, and Communist parties had joined hands to stop the surge of BJP in Telangana. He asked the leaders to intensify the Mahajan Sampark Yatra programme scheduled till the end of June to meet people and create awareness of welfare and development initiatives. He also urged them to actively participate in driving ‘Gadapa Gadapaku BJP’ (BJP to every doorstep) to take the benefits of Central schemes to people.
Bandi said that the people of Telangana were fed up with the BRS rule and were looking at BJP as an alternative force to oust KCR whenever elections take place.