KT Rama Rao, who is the IT Minister and working president of Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi (BRS), will release an annual report about the ITE&C sector in Telangana. The report will showcase the achievements, milestones, and updates of the state’s IT sector over the past year. The release event will take place at T-Hub in Hitech City at 2 pm.
The report is expected to provide valuable insights into the growth and development of Telangana’s IT industry, which has been a major contributor to the state’s economy. With this report, the Minister hopes to highlight the state’s progress in this sector and its potential for future growth.
The release of the report is a significant event for the state’s IT industry as it highlights the government’s commitment to promoting and supporting this sector. The report will also serve as a roadmap for future initiatives and investments in the IT industry, which is an important source of employment and innovation in Telangana.
Overall, the release of this report is an important step towards showcasing Telangana’s potential as a hub for IT and technology innovation. It also highlights the government’s efforts to support and promote this sector in the state.