Minister for Transport Puvvada Ajay Kumar spoke at the Police Suraksha Rally during the state foundation day celebrations in Khammam. He praised the police for their hard work in maintaining peace and order, which leads to progress in society. The Khammam police were specifically praised for their efforts in reducing crime and maintaining law and order.
Khammam MP Nama Nageswara Rao and MP VaddirajuRavichandra spoke about the government’s initiatives to provide facilities to the police department. They mentioned how the CCTV network was helping to reduce crime in the community.
District Collector VP Gowtham and Police Commissioner Vishnu S Warrior also spoke about the success of the She Teams, which protect women’s rights, and friendly policing, which is appreciated by all sections of society. The government has sanctioned a cybercrime station in Khammam, with around 8,477 CC cameras installed in the district to reduce crime rates.
Other officials present at the rally included ZP Chairman Lingala Kamalaraj, Municipal corporación mayor P Neeraja, SUDA Chairman B Vijaya Kumar, Addl DCP law and Order Subash Chandrabose, and Khammam ACP PV Ganesh.