The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, has instructed officials to provide financial assistance to the families of victims from Andhra Pradesh who were affected by the recent train accident in Odisha. Families of deceased passengers will receive Rs 10 lakhs, while those seriously injured will receive Rs 5 lakhs and individuals with minor injuries will receive Rs 1 lakh. This relief fund is in addition to the financial assistance provided by the central government.
During a press conference, Education Minister Botsa Satyanarayana shared the decision made by Chief Minister YS Jagan. He also provided updated information regarding the Andhra Pradesh passengers who were on the Yeshwantpur-Howrah Superfast Express and the Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express trains involved in the accident. The relief amount has been specifically directed to be paid to the family of Gurumurthy, a passenger from Srikakulam district who was traveling to Balasore and lost his life in the accident.
Reports indicate that Gurumurthy was originally from Andhra Pradesh but had relocated to Balasore for employment purposes. The minister mentioned that there have been no other reports of deaths or injuries among the Andhra Pradesh passengers. However, details about passengers traveling in unreserved coaches are yet to be ascertained.