Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar invited several advocates to join the BRS party in Khammam on Saturday. Among those who joined were Ekkirala Rambabu, M Poornima, Tanniru Lalitha, Kusumaraju Krishna Rao, Prasad Yadav, Naveed Pasha, S Lokesh, and Potla Srikanth. The minister spoke about the progress made under the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao in various fields like education, medicine, and employment.
The BRS government is committed to the advancement of Dalits. In Khammam district’s Chintakani mandal, 3,500 Dalit families have been given Dalit Bandhu units for their economic development. The Chief Minister’s inspiration from Dr BR Ambedkar led him to name the State Secretariat after the Dalit icon and build his tallest statue in Hyderabad.
President of the District Bar Association Krishna Rao and public prosecutors Pusapuleti Srinu, Kotha Venkateswara Rao, Kotha Venkateswarlu, Bicchala Tirumala Rao, and others were also present at the programme.