The Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy praised the government’s efforts to improve agriculture in Telangana. He spoke at the Farmers Day celebration in Gundlapally village in Suryapet constituency. The Minister highlighted the expansion of irrigation facilities in the district since 2014, with an increase from 2.05 lakh acres to 5.82 lakh acres. He also mentioned the successful supply of Godavari water through the SRSP canal, which now irrigates over two lakh acres of land. This has led to a significant increase in paddy production, from 4.23 lakh metric tonnes to 12.27 lakh metric tonnes.
The government’s commitment to farmers is evident through initiatives such as the Rythu Bandhu scheme, which provides investment support based on the extent of farmers’ land. The Rythu Bima scheme also offers financial assistance to families of 3,314 farmers who lost their lives since 2014, with an allocation of Rs 165.75 crore. These initiatives showcase the government’s dedication to the well-being of farming communities.
The State government has also made commendable progress in the electricity domain, providing uninterrupted power supply round the clock. This has benefited various sectors, including agriculture, contributing to overall development of the State.