Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan received birthday greetings from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday. The Governor celebrated her birthday by cutting a cake at the Raj Bhavan with her family and officials. As her birthday falls on Telangana Formation Day, she also felicitated families of Telangana martyrs.
PM Modi’s message read, “The way in which you have integrated human, social and national values in your work is inspirational for everyone. Your efficiency and sense of duty will lead the state towards greater heights.” He also expressed confidence that the Governor will continue to serve the society, state, and nation with the same dedication.
Tamilisai tweeted her gratitude for the warm birthday greetings, while Union Home Minister Amit Shah also called to convey his wishes. She expressed her thanks and said that their encouragement energizes and infuses fresh energy to do her work for the nation on the visionary path of Hon’ble Prime Minister.