Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the BJP State president and MP, has accused the MIM party of cheating Muslims. He challenged MIM leaders to compete all over Telangana and said that the BJP would contest alone to prevent MIM from securing deposits, whichever party MIM could join Congress or BRS. He stated that MIM was sticking to the ruling party and protecting their own assets, and that the Muslim community is cheated by the MIM party.
Bandi Sanjay attended the Bhoomi Puja for construction of Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple, which is being built by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam in Karimnagar on Wednesday. He expressed his happiness about the temple being built with Rs.20 crores and said that TTD is working hard to promote Hinduism and implement charitable programmes.
Bandi Sanjay also mentioned Owaisi’s comments that he will not allow BJP to come to power as long as MIM exists. He said that it is understood that the steering of BRS party is in the hands of MIM and that MIM never cares about the welfare of Muslims. He demanded answers from MIM leaders on why the old city in Hyderabad is not developing, why Muslims are not getting jobs, and why Muslims are not getting passports.
Bandi Sanjay also commented on Owaisi’s brother’s remarks about cutting Hindus if he is given 15 minutes time. He accused MIM of giving shelter and financial aid to terrorists and advocated bail to terrorists. He denied MIM’s allegation that a businessman in Shamshabad built a house for Amit Shah and that Amit Shah will stay here, suggesting that maybe some terrorist organization told Owaisi about it.
When asked by the media about the Praja Sangrama Yatra, Bandi Sanjay said that the BJP is not an ek Niranjan party, and everyone in the party sits and takes a decision on the bus yatra and padayatra.